Artist interview - Who is Dase?
Welcome back to what has become a common practice for us, interviewing artists from all over the world who are mainly connected to street art and graffiti, but not only.
This time Dase is the special guest that we had the pleasure to talk to in our latest artist interview. If you enjoy this format or have other questions that you would like us to ask the artists, please let us know in the comments below.
With that said, enjoy this short and sweet interview with Dase!
- Who are you?
I am Dase, the vegan artivist. I am from Barcelona, Spain, and I was born in the 90s.
- When and why did you start doing art?
I started painting graffiti in 2006 in Barcelona because I was involved in the hip-hop culture but I have been drawing since i was a kid.
- How would you describe your art?
My artworks combine powerful messages to raise awareness about animal exploitation and our mother nature.
Aesthetically, they usually mix realistic images with abstract shapes such as large brush strokes, one line art, geometrical patterns and lettering.

- What are your main inspirations when you create art?
My main inspiration when I create is to believe that it matters and may has an impact in our culture.
- What do you think about street art and graffiti?
I love it and it driven my life.
- Do you have any artists that you look up to now or in the past?
Of course! There are so many artists that inspire me: Banksy, Felipe Pantone, Okuda, 2 alas, Belin, Pichi Avo… Amongst others!
- Are you a professional artist who can afford art as his only job?
It has been a long journey but yes, I’m a fulltime artist!

- What are your artworks that you are the most proud of so far?
One of them is the mural I dedicated for Ismael López, the co-founder of GAIA Animal Sanctuary and Leonardo, the blind donkey they rescued.
- What is your advice for people who want to become artists?
Don’t give up on your dreams. It probably take longer than you want but you will find the way.
- What do you think about the philosophy of our brand?
Being different or rare may come with some challenges but also brings unique opportunities.